COVID-19 Updates

As we navigate these unprecedented times, we continue our commitment to supporting our residents, staff and communities. Check this page for updates from Wesley regarding how we’re protecting our communities.

March 7, 2022

Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, Wesley has implemented policies and procedures to keep residents, in-home community health clients, staff and visitors as safe as possible while still providing quality of life care and services. This has not always been easy given the various care services we provide under varying licenses and regulatory agencies.

On March 12, 2022, the Washington State indoor mask mandate will no longer be in effect meaning residents, visitors and employees will no longer be required to wear a mask while working in residential independent settings of our campuses. However, those wishing to wear a mask are welcome to do so.

Masks are still required for everyone visiting and working in licensed areas such as catered living, memory care, and the Des Moines and Lea Hill care centers.

Wesley main dining areas remain closed to visitors but bistros and/or private dining rooms may be used. Families are asked to contact their respective Wesley community regarding visits to residents especially those residing in licensed care areas – assisted living and skilled nursing. Vaccination is no longer required to visit Wesley campuses but is strongly encouraged. For the safety of everyone at Wesley, please follow safety precautions such as social distancing and frequent hand washing.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and diligence during this time to protect the health of all of us who live and work at Wesley communities.

January 7, 2022

As cases of the omicron variant surge across Washington State, Wesley communities have taken steps to protect residents such as restricting visitors to those deemed essential and limiting access to community areas. Some campuses have limited dining to carry out or extended spacing and timing between diners.

Each of Wesley’s campuses have reported a minimal number of positive cases in staff and/or residents. Any one experiencing symptoms or who has received a positive COVID test is asked to quarantine according to the CDC and/or Washington Department of Health.

“We are fortunate to have very high vaccination rates among staff and residents,” said Kevin Anderson, President & CEO. “Most are experiencing mild symptoms, if any.”

According to a recent NBC News article citing CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the number of omicron-related COVID cases could fall as quickly as they have risen nationwide.

“We are encouraging our residents and staff to be extra vigilant during this time of increasing cases to help ensure this surge passes quickly,” Anderson said.

Wesley continues to follow various local, state, and federal safety protocols pertaining to staff and residents.  Additionally, Wesley is in compliance with the Washington State mandate that all health care staff be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Families are asked to contact their respective Wesley community regarding visits to residents especially those residing in licensed care areas – assisted living and skilled nursing. When allowed, visitors in licensed areas of our campuses are required to wear a mask and must be vaccinated or provide a negative COVID test. In some circumstances, additional protocols may be required such as additional PPE. For the safety of everyone at Wesley, please follow safety precautions in addition to the mask requirements such as social distancing and frequent hand washing.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to be vigilant for the safety of all who work and live at Wesley communities.

November 8, 2021

Wesley continues to follow various local, state and federal safety protocols pertaining to staff and residents.  We are pleased to report high vaccination rates of Wesley residents across all Wesley campuses. Additionally, Wesley is in compliance with the Washington State mandate that all health care staff be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Throughout the pandemic, Wesley’s staff leaders have collaborated with resident leadership to make decisions for the safety of everyone who lives and works on our campuses. Those that attend public events or dine out in restaurants have experienced the required proof of vaccine upon entry. As with many businesses throughout King County and our state, Wesley resident and staff leadership have agreed to a similar requirement for Wesley communities.

Beginning November 8, 2021 at Wesley Des Moines and December 1, 2021 at Wesley Lea Hill, Wesley Bradley Park and Wesley at Tehaleh, guests will be required to show proof of vaccination or provide a negative COVID test, taken within 48 hours of their visit.

All visitors will be screened upon entry through the Accushield system and are required to wear masks in public areas. At this time, guests are not allowed in Wesley dining rooms but may enjoy meals in resident apartments or from our bistros. We advise those who are unvaccinated to refrain from sharing meals with loved ones at Wesley.

Those attending in-person marketing events will be asked to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 48 hours of the event.

Families are asked to contact their respective Wesley community regarding visits to residents in licensed care areas – assisted living and skilled nursing. When allowed, visitors in licensed areas of our campuses are required to wear a mask and must be vaccinated or provide a negative COVID test. In some circumstances, additional protocols may be required such as additional PPE. For the safety of everyone at Wesley, please follow safety precautions in addition to the mask requirements such as social distancing and frequent hand washing.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to be vigilant for the safety of all who work and live at Wesley communities.

October 7, 2021

We are pleased to report high vaccination rates of Wesley residents and staff and the start of booster immunizations across Wesley campuses. Wesley continues to follow various local, state, and federal safety protocols pertaining to staff.  Beginning October 18, 2021 Washington State requires that health care providers be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  Wesley will be in compliance with this mandate.

We strongly encourage all visitors to be vaccinated to protect those that live and work in our buildings. Those attending in-person marketing events will be asked to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 48 hours of the event.

Guests are welcome throughout Wesley campuses unless otherwise stated for safety precautions. All visitors will continue to be screened upon entry and are required to wear masks in public areas regardless of vaccination status. At this time, guests are not allowed in Wesley dining rooms but may enjoy meals in resident apartments or from our bistros. We advise those who are unvaccinated to refrain from sharing meals with loved ones at Wesley.

Families are asked to contact their respective Wesley community regarding visits to residents in licensed care areas – assisted living and skilled nursing.

When allowed, visitors in licensed areas of our campuses are required to wear a mask and are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated. Those not vaccinated may be asked to provide a negative COVID test and to follow safety precautions in addition to the mask requirements such as social distancing and frequent hand washing.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to be vigilant for the safety of all who work and live at Wesley communities.

July 2, 2021

As COVID restrictions eased across Washington State this week, we are grateful to see a slow-down and potential end to this dangerous virus. Due to the nature of our work with those most vulnerable to COVID-19, restrictions are still in place at Wesley, especially in the licensed areas of our campuses.

Wesley continues to follow CDC and Washington State guidelines which require staff, residents and visitors in licensed areas of our campuses, assisted living and skilled nursing, to continue to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. Additionally, anyone who is un-vaccinated is still required to wear a mask in all areas of Wesley campuses. Staff will continue to wear masks when providing care to residents in residential areas.

Guests are welcome throughout Wesley. Families are asked to contact their respective Wesley community regarding visits to residents in licensed care areas.

All visitors will continue to be screened upon entry and are asked to wear masks in public areas regardless of vaccination status. At this time, guests are not allowed in Wesley dining rooms but may enjoy meals in resident apartments or from our bistros.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to be vigilant for the safety of all who work and live at Wesley communities.

March 11, 2021

As we reach the one year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, our sympathies and prayers go out to those who have lost loved ones to this devastating disease. All of our Wesley communities have fared well over the past year having few to no resident cases in independent living settings allowing us to continue services and provide innovative social activities, many socially distanced outside or through online streaming. We had a limited number of cases in our licensed care settings thanks to staff closely following CDC, Washington State Department of Health and local heath jurisdiction guidelines in employing strict infection control protocols, frequent testing and isolating those with COVID.

Managers of our Wesley campuses arranged to have vaccine clinics that started in January.  Nearly 100% of residents and over 80% of all staff have been fully vaccinated as of this update. Hear what our residents are saying about receiving the vaccine. 

With the new CDC guidelines issued on March 8, 2021 and the subsequent guidelines issued under Washington’s Safe Start program, we are evaluating how this applies to resident gatherings in public spaces and guidance around wearing masks. At this time, masks are still required in public areas and occupancy of these areas is capped at 50%. Staff will continue to wear masks according to OSHA guidelines. 

In independent living areas of Wesley communities, visitors are allowed in resident accommodations and private spaces. All visitors are required to be screened upon entry and wear masks in public areas. Resident visitors are limited to 5 people at a time from no more than 2 households. In private resident apartments where all are vaccinated, residents and visitors can interact without masks and social distancing according to the CDC guidelines. 

Families are asked to contact their respective Wesley community regarding visits to residents in licensed care areas.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to be vigilant and work together to battle this virus.

December 18, 2020

As we find ourselves in the season of Advent, a time of anticipation, expectation and hope centered on the coming of a long-awaited Savior, recent news provides us with a different kind of anticipation. It’s the announcement we’d been waiting for since the world seemingly shut down in March. A promising vaccine is on the way bringing the potential to provide protection from the COVID-19 virus that continues its spread. 

This news offers hope, but we understand that it also raises many questions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine was reviewed yesterday and received similar approval.  

Learn about the vaccine

We want to share what we know with you based on available guidance from state and federal authorities.  Things are changing rapidly, so please be on the lookout for updated information that we provide from credible sources.  Residents, family members and staff have been invited to join an information Zoom Meeting to learn more about the vaccine. A recording of this Zoom Meeting is available here.

What is this vaccine?

Using new techniques to build a vaccine, pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer announced in November that initial clinical trials showed their offering proved effective in at least 90% of participants. Just one week later, another biotech company, Moderna, announced its own initial results, which suggested their vaccine was 94.5% effective in preventing the disease. These vaccines are the outcome of new pharmaceutical developments and contain no live virus. 

Both vaccines require a two-dose administration. The second dose must come 21 days following the first for the Pfizer vaccine, or 28 days later in the case of the Moderna vaccine. 

The guidance we have received indicates that there is no cost to you for the vaccine, but you will be asked for insurance information for pharmacies and clinics to bill for the administration of the vaccine. Recipients who attest that they have no insurance coverage will be covered by the federal Health Resources & Service Administration.

Who will receive the vaccine first?

Healthcare workers, including those who serve in long term care settings, are at the top of the list. Older adults who live in care centers and assisted living, are also in the first groups to be immunized. We’re encouraged to learn that many who live and work at Wesley are among these priority groups. Federal and state authorities are working on plans for the administration of the vaccine to older adults who live in independent senior housing.  

How will Wesley provide vaccines to staff and residents?

Wesley is enrolled in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Pharmacy Partnership for Long-term Care program that provides end-to-end management of the COVID-19 vaccination process. CDC is partnering with CVS Health pharmacies to provide on-site COVID vaccine clinics. 

Based on current planning, Omnicare, the long-term care pharmacy division of CVS Health, will be providing on-site clinics for our skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, memory care and Home Health, Hospice and Community Health Services staff at our campus locations and will administer the vaccinations.  Pharmacies participating in the CDC’s program are working with our Executive Directors Campus Administrators and Clinical Leaders to prepare for and schedule these clinics, obtain consents and provide vaccinations to eligible residents and staff.  We have been instructed that “staff” includes those providing direct and indirect care and also includes volunteers and vendors who routinely have contact with residents.  

When will this happen?

Although a firm date is not yet available, the first doses of the vaccines could be available by the end of December or early January. When this is known, staff and residents in our care settings will receive further information about scheduled dates and times.  A second clinic will be scheduled 21-28 days later to administer the required second doses and also first doses to new employees and residents. A third clinic is also being scheduled to administer second doses to anyone who wasn’t present in the first round.

What do staff need to do? 

We are sharing this same information with residents and their families. Guidance is evolving rapidly, so we will do all we can to keep you and those we serve updated with the latest information. Stay tuned for more information including when we expect our vaccination clinic dates to be scheduled.

Expectation and Hope

Through the days of Advent, we remind ourselves of God’s promises and intentions and expect their fulfillment. We celebrate small signs of that promised realm, even as we await its full emergence. 

The vaccine we have been waiting for can be seen, not as the answer, but as one of those signs. Its success will depend on the cooperative spirit and willing participation of staff and residents at Wesley and in the greater population. Until then, the policies and practices for prevention and visitation remain the same following federal and state guidelines. Throughout the holidays, we can lift that spirit of care and cooperation by continuing to practice core prevention including hand hygiene, wearing masks and social distancing. Please contact your supervisor if have questions. There are challenges ahead, but they are challenges we face as people of hope.

While first priority will be given to our residents and direct caregivers, we are hoping that all employees who are able to will take advantage of this opportunity to get a vaccine as quickly as possible.  I personally believe in the safety and importance of taking the vaccine and when it comes to Wesley, I, along with our employees, will be rolling up my sleeve.

Kevin Anderson President/CEO

December 14, 2020

Celebrating the holidays is a bit different this year but we have great optimism about the pending vaccine set to begin implementation in just a matter of days. It will take time to manufacture and distribute the vaccine so we are encouraging everyone within our Wesley family to stay diligent and follow the guidance from government and health leaders.

Governor Inslee recently extended his recent order to limit in-person social interaction through January 4, 2021. While it is tempting to gather with loved ones for Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, we ask you to hold virtual celebrations with family instead.

Our main priority during this time is to keep all residents and staff as safe as possible. While, we struggle with the increasing spread of this virus, we believe it is important for overall well-being to find innovative ways to safely continue the social activities Wesley offers. Our campus leaders are doing their best to find creative ways to safely celebrate on our campuses and share holiday spirit with each other.

I’m grateful that we have been able to limit and in some areas fully prevent the spread of COVID on our campuses because of the steps we have taken as an organization, but more importantly, because of the safeguards residents and staff have personally taken in wearing proper PPE, physically distancing and vigilant hand washing.

With the increase in COVID across our state balanced with the need to protect residents and staff and being able to operate financially, we are continuing the following actions in conjunction with the Governor’s guidelines:

In our licensed care centers, we can allow outdoor visits limited by location, number of people and visit duration, in addition to virtual meetings. Individual exceptions for compassionate or end of life care are permitted. Dining rooms are closed except for those residents who need assistance with meals.

In Assisted Living, visits can be arranged virtually; no in-person visits at this point. Individual exceptions for compassionate or end of life care are permitted.

For residents living in catered living and independent living areas, indoor visits are allowed by an individual who is providing essential support to a resident. All essential support individuals must follow all safety guidelines that are currently in place. Outdoor visits are allowed with your family members and friends, but no more than a total of 5 individuals can be gathered at one time and all safety guidelines must be followed. We have established heated outdoor locations at each of our communities where you can meet with others.

Residents currently receiving a daily dining plan are able to continue to have meals in the dining rooms. As long as there are no COVID incidents, dining rooms will remain open and seating will be limited to no more than two to four at a table. Additionally, the number of tables in use will be limited to allow for social distancing. No outside visitors are allowed at this time.

While we strongly encourage residents to avoid in person social and family gatherings, those that choose to participate in them are asked to quarantine for 14 days following their return.

We trust that all residents using the community areas are following strict guidance regarding contact with others and social distancing. Masks are to be worn at all times when outside your accommodation and all other current safety guidelines must be followed.

While the Governor’s orders shut down many businesses, the work we do is considered essential and we will continue to offer our services to those that are needing them. Marketing events are now held virtually. However, we continue to offer pre-scheduled tours within limited areas of our buildings to families of up to 3 people at a time. Last spring we established safety protocols for moves to our buildings and we will continue allowing moves with these guidelines.

As we’ve learned over the past year, this is an ever changing environment and restrictions may be adjusted, as needed. Thank you for your efforts in following the safety protocols that have been outlined by the Governor and your community. By wearing a mask, limiting your exposure to others outside your household and following all other safety protocols, you are helping keep our Wesley communities safe from COVID-19.

Kevin Anderson President/CEO

November 23, 2020

As we enter the Thanksgiving holiday week, we are grateful for all of our residents, staff, family members and friends. We encourage everyone within our Wesley family to follow the guidance from government and health leaders to limit in-person social interaction for the upcoming holiday and hold virtual celebrations with family instead. 

Our main priority during this time is to keep all residents and staff as safe as possible. While we struggle with the increasing spread of this virus, we believe it is important for overall well-being to find innovative ways to safely continue the social activities Wesley offers as much as possible.  

We have been able to limit and in some areas fully prevent the spread of COVID on our campuses because of the steps we have taken as an organization, but more importantly, because of the safeguards residents and staff have personally taken in wearing proper PPE, physically distancing and vigilant hand washing. 

With the increase in COVID across our state balanced with the need to protect residents and staff and being able to operate financially, we are taking the following actions in conjunction with the Governor’s most recent guidelines:

  • In our licensed care centers, we can allow outdoor visits limited by location, number of people and visit duration, in addition to virtual meetings.  Individual exceptions for compassionate or end of life care are permitted. Dining rooms are closed except for those residents who need assistance with meals. 
  • In Assisted Living, visits can be arranged virtually; no in-person visits at this point.  Individual exceptions for compassionate or end of life care are permitted.
  • For residents living in catered living and independent living areas, indoor visits are allowed by an individual who is providing essential support to a resident. All essential support individuals must follow all safety guidelines that are currently in place. Outdoor visits are allowed with your family members and friends, but no more than a total of 5 individuals can be gathered at one time and all safety guidelines must be followed. We are working on establishing heated outdoor locations at each of our communities where you can meet with others.
  • Residents currently receiving a daily dining plan at Des Moines and Bradley Park are able to continue to have meals in the dining rooms. Lea Hill is currently delivering meals. As long as there are no COVID incidents, dining rooms will remain open and seating will be limited to no more than two to four at a table. Additionally, the number of tables in use will be limited to allow for social distancing. No outside visitors are allowed at this time.
  • Each campus is evaluating which community areas will remain open and the number of people allowed at a time. 
  • While we strongly encourage residents to avoid in-person social and family gatherings, those that choose to participate in them are asked to quarantine for 14 days following their return.

We trust that all residents using the community areas are following strict guidelines regarding contact with others and social distancing. Masks are to be worn at all times when outside your accommodation and all other current safety guidelines must be followed.

While the Governor’s orders shut down many businesses, the work we do is considered essential and we will continue to offer our services to those that are needing them. Marketing events are now held virtually. However, we will continue to offer pre-scheduled tours within limited areas of our buildings to families of up to 3 people at a time.  Last spring we established safety protocols for moves to our buildings and we will continue allowing moves with these guidelines.

As we’ve learned over the past year, this is an ever changing environment and restrictions may be adjusted, as needed.  Thank you for your efforts in following the safety protocols that have been outlined by the Governor and your community.  By wearing a mask, limiting your exposure to others outside your household and following all other safety protocols, you are helping keep our Wesley communities safe from COVID-19.

Kevin Anderson President/CEO

November 22, 2020

With the continued increase in cases of COVID-19 in the State of Washington and King County, our Wesley skilled nursing centers have been conducting routine frequent testing of staff members. Des Moines Care Center has no active cases of COVID-19 at this time.  Four employees of the Lea Hill Rehabilitation & Care Center have tested positive for COVID-19 and are quarantined and recovering at home. 

We are in close communication with health officials to ensure we are taking all appropriate steps and continuing to take preventative action as recommended by the CDC, Washington Department of Health, and Public Health-Seattle & King County. 

Within the residential areas of Wesley Bradley Park in Puyallup and Wesley Des Moines, there are no current cases of COVID-19 on campus. Wesley Lea Hill has one active case of COVID-19.  The individual is quarantined off campus and under the care of a physician.

We continue to screen staff and visitors at all campuses for symptoms. At all campuses, managers are working with their Resident Councils to adjust service delivery, guest restrictions and additional safety precautions.  Appropriate safety protocols including wearing masks, physical distancing and frequent hand washing must be followed.

Other protocols currently in place include:

  • Regular cleaning and sanitizing of public areas
  • Hand sanitizer stations placed throughout public areas 
  • Screening employees and visitors upon entry for symptoms and fever. 
  • Residents and staff throughout Wesley wear masks when in public spaces 
  • Restricted access to communities as warranted.   
  • Special Move in protocols requiring screening of all movers, limited building access, frequent sanitization of elevators, social distancing and use of facial coverings.
  • Resident guest visits in designated locations.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding as we all work together to limit the spread of this virus.

November 10, 2020

With the continued increase in cases of COVID-19 in the State of Washington and King County, our Wesley skilled nursing centers have been conducting routine frequent testing of staff members. During our recent tests, two employees of the Des Moines Care Center and two employees of the Lea Hill Rehabilitation & Care Center have tested positive for COVID. These employees are asymptomatic and quarantined at home. 

We are in close communication with health officials to ensure we are taking all appropriate steps and continuing to take preventative action as recommended by the CDC, Washington Department of Health, and Public Health-Seattle & King County. Testing for anyone that may have been exposed is on-going. Residents that may have been exposed are being quarantined and closely monitored for symptoms.

We have restricted visitors to the care centers and are keeping residents in their suites to minimize spread of the virus.

We currently have no other active cases of COVID-19 at Wesley Lea Hill or other Wesley communities. Residents in the independent apartments are encouraged to limit visitors and follow appropriate safety protocols including wearing masks, social distancing and frequent handwashing.

Wesley Bradley Park in Puyallup is now allowing visitors in specified locations. Community areas are reopened and dining has resumed in the dining room with social distancing.

In Des Moines, residents in assisted living are able to visit with family by appointment in designated areas. Those in independent living apartments are able to visit with family by appointment in designated areas. Further, residents are encouraged to take precautions when visiting with friends and family off campus including wearing masks, social distancing and frequent hand washing.

We continue to screen staff and visitors at all campuses for symptoms. At all campuses, managers are working with their Resident Councils to adjust service delivery, guest restrictions and additional safety precautions.  Residents are now allowed to accept visitors in designated locations according to State guidelines.

Other protocols currently in place include:

  • Regular cleaning and sanitizing of public areas
  • Hand sanitizer stations placed throughout public areas 
  • Screening employees and visitors upon entry for symptoms and fever. 
  • Residents and staff throughout Wesley wear masks when in public spaces 
  • Restricted access to communities as warranted.   
  • Special Move in protocols requiring screening of all movers, limited building access, frequent sanitization of elevators, social distancing and use of facial coverings.
  • Resident guest visits in designated locations.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding as we all work together to limit the spread of this virus.

October 16, 2020

At this time, there are no active cases of COVID-19 at Wesley. 

Wesley Bradley Park in Puyallup, an employee tested positive for the Coronavirus in September and was quarantined at home. Subsequently, all residents and staff were tested for two consecutive weeks.  Community areas have been reopened and dining will resume in the dining room with social distancing next week.

We are in close communication with health officials on a regular basis to ensure we are taking all appropriate steps, and continuing to exercise preventive actions as recommended by the CDC and the Washington Department of Health. 

We continue to screen staff and visitors at all campuses for symptoms. At all campuses, managers are working with their Resident Councils to adjust service delivery, guest restrictions and additional safety precautions.  Residents are now allowed to accept visitors in designated locations according to State guidelines.

Other protocols currently in place include:

  • Regular cleaning and sanitizing of public areas
  • Hand sanitizer stations placed throughout public areas 
  • Screening employees and visitors upon entry for symptoms and fever. 
  • Residents and staff throughout Wesley wear masks when in public spaces 
  • Restricted access to communities as warranted.   
  • Special move-in protocols requiring screening of all movers, limited building access, frequent sanitization of elevators, social distancing and use of facial coverings.
  • Resident guest visits in designated locations.

We will provide further updates as new information becomes available.

August 10, 2020

In July, Wesley Des Moines reported that a total of 8 employees tested positive for COVID-19. These team members quarantined at home at the onset of symptoms or, if asymptomatic, upon receiving the positive test result.

Wesley Bradley Park in Puyallup also had an employee test positive for the Coronavirus and was quarantined at home.

We are in close communication with health officials to ensure we are taking all appropriate steps, and continuing to exercise preventive actions as recommended by the CDC and the Washington Department of Health. In accordance with these guidelines, the above-referenced employees have been cleared to return to work.

At this time, there are no known cases among staff or residents at Wesley Gardens, Wesley Terrace, Wesley Bradley Park or Wesley Lea Hill. One employee of Wesley Des Moines Care Center is on home quarantine due to a positive test result.

We continue to screen staff and visitors at all campuses for symptoms. At all campuses, managers are working with their Resident Councils to adjust service delivery, guest restrictions and additional safety precautions.

Other protocols currently in place include:

  • Regular cleaning and sanitizing of public areas
  • Hand sanitizer stations placed throughout public areas
  • Screening employees and essential visitors upon entry for symptoms and fever.
  • Residents and staff throughout Wesley wear masks when in public spaces
  • Restricted access to communities as warranted.
  • Special Move in protocols requiring screening of all movers, limited building access, frequent sanitization of elevators, social distancing and use of facial coverings

We will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available. We thank our residents, staff and families in our communities for their continued trust in us and for their help in continuing to keep our communities safe with social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing.

July 28, 2020

On July 18, Wesley was notified that three staff members from The Terrace at Wesley Des Moines tested positive for COVID-19. These team members quarantined at home at the onset of symptoms or, if asymptomatic, upon receiving the positive test result.

As a result, up to 100 employees across departments in The Terrace were tested on Wednesday and Thursday, July 22nd and 23rd. Results were available on Sunday night showing an additional five employees tested positive. All of these employees experienced no symptoms and are quarantined at home.

At this time, no residents at Wesley Des Moines have shown symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19.  We have been fortunate to have prevented COVID on the Des Moines campus for so long and our team is well-prepared to address this situation to prevent further spread.

“The health and well-being of all who live and work at Wesley remains our highest priority and we plan to approach this as aggressively as possible,” stated Alex Candalla, Wesley Des Moines Executive Director. “We are in close communication with health officials to ensure we are taking all appropriate steps, and continuing to exercise preventive actions as recommended by the CDC and the Washington Department of Health.”

In addition to closing The Rainier Bistro in The Terrace, thermal temperature scanners are in place at the front entrance and the dining room entrance. Staff, in cooperation with the Resident Council, is exploring alternative meal delivery options and additional safety precautions.

Other protocols currently in place at Wesley Des Moines include:

  • Regular cleaning and sanitizing of public areas
  • Hand sanitizer stations placed throughout public areas
  • Screening employees and essential visitors upon entry for symptoms and fever.
  • Residents and staff throughout Wesley wear masks when in public spaces
  • Restricted access to the Terrace building.
  • Special Move in protocols requiring screening of all movers, limited building access, frequent sanitation of elevators, social distancing and facial coverings

We will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.

July 8, 2020

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020 Ryan Companies US, Inc. formally notified owners of Wesley at Tehaleh — Wesley and Presbyterian Homes & Services — of a confirmed case of COVID-19 among the workforce on the construction site.

The notice reads:

“Ryan Companies received notice that an individual who worked at the project tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The date this individual last worked on the project site was June 30, 2020. The individual will self-quarantine for fourteen days. Similarly, any individuals that worked in close proximity to the directly exposed individual are also required to self-quarantine for a minimum of fourteen days and will not return to work until they are symptom-free. We will provide additional information as it becomes known to us. We are working in earnest to mitigate the impact of this exposure.”

Wesley and its construction partners continue to follow CDC guidelines and State of Washington regulations.

The leasing office remains open by appointment to provide information about housing and care options. Masks are required for all visitors. To make an appointment, please contact Lisa Osterloh at (253) 366-6100 or visit

July 7, 2020

I would like to express to all my sincere gratitude for your continued support and commitment to the health and safety of our residents and employees.  You have demonstrated excellence in helping all of us contain the spread of COVID-19. Your help in following infection control guidelines both here at Wesley and in the community is evidenced by us having no positive COVID-19 cases at this time among staff or residents on any Wesley Campus.   

As we move forward in the next coming months let’s do so with an abundance of continued caution and awareness that we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the infection rate is rapidly increasing in our state and in most states across the country.  Please limit your exposure and travel to every extent possible and respect the guidelines that Wesley has implemented to keep everyone safe. 

We can only remain COVID free with your help! We know that this has been a long three months with no or very little contact with loved ones. With dining rooms and other activity areas restricted or closed, you have had to endure the hardship of not being able to socialize with your friends and family. We understand and appreciate your help in keeping everyone as safe as possible. 

We continue to follow the Governor’s guidelines in reopening our buildings and common areas. We are working with our resident councils to plan how we move forward and taking a conservative approach to any reopening. We continue to follow infection control guidelines from the CDC and Washington State Department of Health.  

Your continued efforts to protect the health of our residents and your own health by adhering to strict infection control procedures such as handwashing, sanitizing and social distancing; are greatly appreciated.   Let’s add to that list the wearing of masks as required and celebrating our independence with an increased respect for the health and safety of all.  Please know that your health and well-being continue to be our top priority.  We truly are in this together. 

May 4, 2020

As the world navigates through this challenging time, we continue our commitment to serve each person who lives in our Wesley communities or who receives in home care from our home health and hospice agencies. We are especially grateful to our dedicated Wesley team members who provide essential services and compassionate care every day. 

We continue to be free of COVID-19 on our Wesley campuses in Des Moines and Puyallup. At Wesley Lea Hill in Auburn, cases were confined to our care center.

Over the past week, Governor Inslee has opened construction, state parks and some recreational areas. However, we expect that he will extend the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order through the end of May.  Construction has resumed at Wesley Des Moines and Wesley at Tehaleh in Bonney Lake, and additional protocols such as additional use of personal protection equipment (PPE), daily screening of employees and social distancing, are in place.

Wesley provides an essential service to our residents and in home care clients and as such, continues to operate in all areas. Working with resident leadership, each campus has made decisions to adjust or suspend services to keep people safe. 

  • Depending on the campus, it is highly recommended or required that residents and staff wear masks and practice social distancing when in community areas,
  • Visitors are restricted to those providing essential care to residents and must be screened upon entering a Wesley campus,
  • Dining services are limited to take out or delivery except at Des Moines where dining rooms are arranged for social distancing. Employees must wear masks when serving meals,
  • Each campus has determined what areas, such as fitness centers and activity rooms, may be kept open as long as proper protocols for PPE and sanitation are followed,
  • Residents are welcome to walk around our campuses and exercise classes have resumed where they can be done outside or in hallways with safe distancing.

We are offering virtual tours of our communities on our website and screening protocols are in place for new residents who wish to move in to Wesley Bradley Park in Puyallup and Wesley Des Moines where meals are provided and home care staff are available to help. Our Community Relations team members are available by phone or email for those interested in learning more about our Wesley communities. 

Our home health, home care, and hospice services are also able to bring services to one’s own home in south King and Pierce counties. In-home staff are thoroughly trained in proper use of PPE and we have adopted recommended practices to be able to care for those at home. Every patient/client care plan includes appropriate infection control measures to avoid the spread of Covid-19.

April 3, 2020

This week, Governor Inslee extended the “Stay Home-Stay Healthy” order through May 4, 2020 and added that it could be extended again if deemed necessary to keep Washingtonians safe.

As the world navigates through this challenging time, we continue our commitment to serve each person who lives in our Wesley communities or who receives in home care from our home health and hospice agencies.

We are especially grateful to our dedicated Wesley team members who provide essential services and compassionate care every day.

Our Community Relations team members are available by phone or email for those interested in learning more about our Wesley communities. We understand that some people may be isolated in their homes and unable to receive proper nutrition or care services. In these instances, consider a move to Wesley Bradley Park in Puyallup or Wesley Des Moines where meals and home care staff are available to help. Our home care and hospice services are also able to bring services to one’s own home.

Residents and employees throughout Wesley have been making masks for use by our caregivers. While PPE requirements for caring for patients with COVID-19 include a specific type of mask, gown, gloves and goggles or face shield, these homemade masks may be worn by caregivers and care receivers without visible symptoms to help protect each other.

Tablets and smartphones are available in the care centers and memory care settings for video calls with family members. “We recently started this program in The Arbor memory care at Bradley Park” reported Campus Administrator TC Fraser. “Family members were moved to tears being able to connect with their loved ones.”

Chaplains on our campuses are available for spiritual or emotional encouragement to residents and staff. Chaplain Michael Byrd has been hosting weekly devotionals to encourage us. Watch Chaplain Mike’s video on YouTube.

Our caregivers, nursing staff, housekeepers, maintenance employees, front desk workers and culinary crew are the unsung heroes of this story. Thank you to all of our dedicated Wesley team members who are coming to work each day in service to the residents, clients and family members that depend on us.

March 29, 2020

Four residents and a staff member of Wesley Lea Hill senior living community in Auburn, WA, have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are in stable condition. One resident is currently admitted to a hospital. Three residents, who live in the Lea Hill Care Center, have been quarantined in their room since their onset of symptoms. All are in stable condition and receiving the best possible care for a full and speedy recovery. Ensuring anonymity of individuals who have been exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19 is important so that the recovering residents can focus fully on their health and the care they need.

All other residents of Wesley Lea Hill Care Center have been isolated in their rooms and are being closely monitored for symptoms.

The care center staff member affected is quarantined at home.

Family members and anyone who may have come into contact with the residents or the employee have been notified. We are working closely with the Washington State and King County Departments of Health (DOH) to ensure that we are following all recommended guidelines and protocols.

Residents who live in other areas of Wesley Lea Hill have been notified of the positive cases of COVID-19 in the care center and of additional precautions that are being implemented to limit the possibility of exposure to the COVID-19 virus by staff and residents.

All of us at Wesley are doing everything we can to stop the spread of the virus. We are in close communication with health officials to ensure we are taking the appropriate steps. Our staff and residents continue to follow preventative actions recommended by the state: Since early March, we have taken steps to restrict all non-essential visitors from entering our licensed areas, screen visitors and staff and cancel all group activities in the building. Additional information regarding steps taken is available at

The health and well being of all who live and work at Wesley campuses is our highest priority. We maintain standard protocols and procedures to respond to and limit the spread of infectious disease in our communities. We will continue to follow guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as we evaluate risk to residents and staff and determine appropriate actions as needed.

March 26, 2020

The Governor’s ‘Stay Home – Stay Healthy’ order is now in effect to limit the spread of COVID-19 throughout Washington State. With the number of reported cases in nursing centers increasing daily, Wesley is monitoring our care center residents at Wesley Des Moines and Wesley Lea Hill very closely. At this time, we still have no active cases on our campuses.


  • Wesley residents are updated regularly with COVID-19 health guidelines, Washington State mandates and campus protocols.
  • Residents in all levels of care on our campuses have been asked to remain at home and reduce physical connections.
  • Group gatherings are to be avoided, even when outside in open air.


  • Upon the request of our residents, visitors are limited only to those providing essential support to residents or for special circumstances. All visitors and staff are required to undergo COVID-19 screening*.


  • While distancing is an important precaution, proper nutrition and hydration are also a priority. For this reason, we are encouraging residents to opt for take-out or delivery of their meals.
  • Select Dining rooms on Wesley campuses are open, but capacity is strictly limited for social distancing.
  • Most of our campuses are assisting residents in picking up groceries to mitigate the risks inherent with visiting grocery stores at this time.


  • Housekeeping for those in our independent apartments and homes has been suspended at this time.
  • Wesley communities are practicing high frequency deep cleaning, especially on high touch surfaces such as railings, tables, chairs, etc. 
  • Staff and residents are encouraged to wash hands thoroughly and frequently with hand sanitizers widely available around our campuses.

Health Monitoring & Screening

  • Wesley staff are required to undergo COVID-19 screening* daily upon entry to our campuses. Staff that show any signs of illness will be sent home.
  • Residents in care centers and other licensed areas are being closely monitored. Residents in Independent accommodations are checked on at least once a week.

Activities/Social Engagement

  • Exercise facilities are either closed or open for limited use by appointment only.
  • All group activities have been cancelled
  • Beauty Salons have been closed.
  • Many of our campuses are scheduling video calls with family, especially for residents in the care centers and memory care settings.
  • Chaplains on our campuses are available for spiritual or emotional encouragement to residents and staff.

New Construction

  • Under the ‘Stay Home – Stay Healthy’ order initiated March 23, the state governor clarified that “construction is not considered to be an essential activity,” and as such both construction projects at Wesley Des Moines and Wesley at Tehaleh have been temporarily suspended.

We are grateful for the support we’ve been getting from our residents and family members during this uniquely challenging time. We appreciate your understanding as new policies are set in place to address the rapidly changing environment and protect everyone on our campuses.

A very sincere thank you to our Wesley team members who are taking so many precautions while caring so well for our residents.

* COVID-19 screening involves the following:

  • Checking temperature for a fever of 100.4 or higher
  • COVID-19 questionnaire including questions about symptoms and recent travel.
  • Daily log of visitors with temperature and signature recorded

March 20, 2020

We are fortunate that there are still no cases of COVID-19 at Wesley’s communities. We continue to follow guidelines from the state government and the Centers for Disease Control and are also regularly updating our COVID-19 protocols to ensure the continued safety of our residents and staff. 


Upon the request of our residents, visitors are limited only to those providing essential support to residents or for special circumstances. All visitors and staff are required to undergo COVID-19 screening*.


While distancing is an important precaution, proper nutrition and hydration are also a priority. For this reason, dining rooms on Wesley campuses are remaining open, but we are more strictly limiting their capacity and table spacing to encourage social distancing. 

Residents are encouraged to take meals to go with optional delivery to apartments upon request or as needed.

Most of our campuses are assisting residents in picking up groceries to mitigate the risks inherent with visiting grocery stores at this time.


Wesley communities are practicing high frequency deep cleaning, especially on high touch surfaces such as railings, tables, chairs, etc. 

Staff and residents are encouraged to wash hands thoroughly and frequently with hand sanitizers widely available around our campuses.

Health Monitoring & Screening

Wesley staff are required to undergo COVID-19 screening* daily upon entry to our campuses. Staff that show any signs of illness will be sent home.

Staff are visiting one-on-one with residents at least once a week for wellness checks.

Activities/Social Engagement

Many of our campuses are scheduling video calls with family, especially for residents in the care centers and memory care settings.

Many Wesley residents are finding ways to stay socially engaged while practicing social distancing. This includes small group activities with recommended distancing.


Wesley residents are encouraged to practice social distancing and are updated regularly with COVID-19 news, health guidelines and campus protocols.

We are grateful for the support we’ve been getting from our residents and family members during this uniquely challenging time.
We thank the family members and friends of our residents who have been understanding of our new policies set in place to protect our campuses from this serious threat.
We also have deep appreciation for our staff who are taking so many precautions while caring for our residents. 

* COVID-19 screening involves the following:

  • Checking temperature for a fever of 100.4 or higher
  • COVID-19 questionnaire including questions about symptoms and recent travel.
  • Daily log of visitors with temperature and signature recorded

March 11, 2020

We are grateful that there continue to be no instances of COVID-19 on Wesley campuses.

On Tuesday, March 10th, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee announced new rules for nursing homes and assisted living facilities to help protect residents during the ongoing outbreak.

See the Governor’s proclamation here:

In addition to these new guidelines from our state governor, Wesley campuses are enacting the following protocols to help protect our residents:

  • Current visiting restrictions as of this update:
    • Wesley Des Moines Health Center is allowing only one visitor per resident per day and requiring visits take place in designated meeting rooms in order to protect other residents. It is recommended that those who must visit a care center resident reserve a meeting room in advance. We still urge families and friends to conduct telephone visits only.
    • Wesley Lea Hill is not accepting visitors to its care center or memory care Arbor at this time.
    • Wesley Bradley Park is not accepting visitors on campus at this time.
  • Visitors to all areas of Wesley campuses will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors at entry which includes:
    • Fever of 100.4 or higher (this entails taking the temperature with a thermometer and cleaning the thermometer between each use. A nurse is not required to take the temp).
    • Cough or difficulty breathing
    • Contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or are currently being investigated for COVID-19
  • Employees are also routinely screened at the start of their shifts and are to be sent home if they show any signs of illness.
  • These rules remain in effect until further notice. For any questions regarding these measures, please contact your campus administrator.

We’d like to thank our residents and family members for their understanding and patience during this time. We thank you for abiding by these new rules that are in place to keep our residents and our employees safe.

We’d also like to thank all our hard working staff for being so dedicated in helping to keep our communities safe.

March 11, 2020

We are grateful that there continue to be no instances of COVID-19 on Wesley campuses.

On Tuesday, March 10th, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee announced new rules for nursing homes and assisted living facilities to help protect residents during the ongoing outbreak. 

To protect our residents in these settings, Wesley campuses have enacted the following protocols based on the Governor’s rules:

  • Residents in Wesley care centers and assisted living areas are allowed one visitor per day though we urge families and friends to conduct telephone visits only. This restriction is required by the new emergency proclamation.
  • Visitors must be adults and the visit must take place in the resident’s room or designated meeting areas. This does not apply to end-of-life situations. 
    • Wesley Des Moines Health Center is requiring visits take place in designated meeting rooms to protect other residents. It is recommended that those who must visit a care center resident reserve a meeting room in advance.
    • Wesley Lea Hill is not accepting visitors to its care center or memory care Arbor at this time. 
    • Wesley Bradley Park is not accepting visitors on campus at this time.
  • Visitors to all areas of Wesley campuses will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors at entry which includes:
    • Fever of 100.4 or higher (this entails taking the temperature with a thermometer and cleaning the thermometer between each use. A nurse is not required to take the temp).
    • Cough or difficulty breathing
    • Contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or are currently being investigated for COVID-19
  • Employees are also routinely screened at the start of their shifts. This includes taking their temperature. If they show any signs of illness, employees will be sent home.
  • All visitors must sign into a visitor log, which includes date, contact information, travel and illness screening, including temperature in certain areas. Wesley is required to keep these logs for a minimum of 30 days.
  • People who live in nursing homes or assisted living facilities and who test positive for COVID-19 will be isolated away from other people or sent to a hospital depending on severity. While these new visiting restrictions are in place, a resident can still choose to discharge from a facility at any time. 
  • Wesley staff and volunteers are prohibited from disclosing protected and confidential health information, except as otherwise provided by law or with the resident’s consent.
  • These rules remain in effect until further notice. For any questions regarding these measures, please speak to your campus administrator.

Please see the governor’s official emergency proclamation and rules here:

We’d like to thank our residents and family members for their understanding and patience during this time. We thank you for abiding by these new rules that are in place to keep our residents and our employees safe.

We’d also like to thank all our hard working staff for being so dedicated in helping to keep our communities safe.

March 3, 2020

With the rising cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our state, we wanted to share how Wesley is responding to prevent the introduction of this respiratory virus into our communities.

At this time, no one at any Wesley community has been diagnosed with COVID-19. To maintain that status, we are taking precautionary measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not accessible, use one of the many alcohol-based hand sanitizers in our communities.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Staff and residents should stay home if they are feeling sick.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing; then dispose of the used tissue in a trash bin.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.

While the majority of cases experience only mild symptoms, those with existing health issues are more vulnerable. This is why it is important for everyone to take these recommended steps to prevent the spread of illness.

Wesley staff and resident leadership have been working together to determine what extra precautions are best for their communities.

In addition to standard practices for good hygiene and infection control, Wesley communities are increasing disinfection of frequently touched objects and surfaces. Some resident outings and events have been cancelled, and we will continue to evaluate the situation for future activities. If you have RSVP’d for events at any of our communities, we will notify you of changes or cancellations.

Wesley will continue to monitor state and local public health resources and will work with residents in adopting changes as necessary. We will provide updates through email communications to those who are on our email list. Make sure you are signed up to receive emails from Wesley.

As information about COVID-19 and those affected changes frequently, it’s important to stay well informed.
For the most accurate information about the outbreak, please visit:

King County Coronavirus Public Health page:
WA State Department of Health:
Centers for Disease Control:

Thank you to our Wesley staff, residents, family members and friends for assisting us in this effort.
