Residents of the newly opened Wesley Bradley Park recount what they feel thankful for over the past year.
Giving thanks and acknowledging our blessings should be celebrated every day, not just on Thanksgiving. However, Thanksgiving is an opportunity to come together with family and share our blessings and memories, to reflect on those blessings and be thankful. Let’s look at some Thanksgiving Day experiences and cherished memories shared by Wesley Bradley Park residents.
Marilyn Knutson moved to Wesley Bradley Park in April of this year. She loves it, and she loves the people.
“The people make the difference,” said Marilyn, “and I’m thankful that I no longer own a 5,000 square foot home. No more raking!”
Marilyn is also thankful for the blessing of a wonderful, loving family.
She recalled a time when the Knutson clan rushed to Portland to visit family for Thanksgiving one year. Due to a series of mishaps, a local deli ended up being the location of their Thanksgiving meal. Marilyn concluded, “Time spent with family and friends is what makes Thanksgiving special.”
“We are thankful for this community and the services and activities that Wesley offers.” said Ken Dunmire of he and wife Janette. “My wife and I have only been at Wesley Bradley Park for a few months, and we’ve met great people and have already made equally great friends. We think every day how blessed we are.”
Jeanne Warren shared, “I am thankful for God’s faithfulness, my friends at Bradley Park and my loving family.
“I’m also thankful for Easter Sunday when I was nine years old. That is the day I accepted Christ as my savior,” Jeanne added.
Dan and Diane Thulin are thankful for many things, especially for God’s blessings and His presence.
“We are thankful for selling our home, a healthy daughter fighting a good fight against leukemia, finding the right doctors and having friends and family to give us peace when we need it. God is good,” said Diane.
TC Fraser, Wesley Bradley Park Campus Administrator, stated, “I am thankful for all the amazing staff and residents that have chosen to work or live at this campus. As a continually growing community of around 200 residents, we provide a safe and comfortable home where people can enjoy stress-free living for many years.
“We have much to be thankful for during this upcoming holiday season. I pray every day that God will bless this campus and all those who enter our doors.”
The common theme is to appreciate all that you have and never take your blessings for granted. Give thanks on Thanksgiving Day and every day of your life as you embrace and share your blessings.