Introducing the Wesley CNA Academy

Wesley is now offering free training and certification with its new CNA program.

The Certified Nursing Assistant is the cornerstone of healthcare. CNAs provide daily comfort and care to patients and make a tremendous difference in the lives of patients and their families. Working as a CNA is also a rewarding way to gain nursing skills and get insight into the healthcare field.

Wesley CNA Academy is a seven week program that will provide applicants with the skills necessary to enter the healthcare field. The program is being provided with free tuition, and graduates may also receive job offers upon completion of the certification.

“We’ve introduced a lot of new programs over the past few years,” said Des Moines Executive Director Alex Candalla, “and we want to see Wesley Des Moines continue to be a dynamic and progressive community. This new program is another way to offer more for our residents and staff.”

“This CNA school is not just for Wesley communities and business entities. The healthcare system has a growing need for CNAs, and this program will help support the industry in general,” he added.

“We’re really excited to begin,” said Michael Couch, RN and Wesley CNA Academy program director. “After approval by the Department of Social and Health Services, we should be able to start our first class in March.”

To sign up for the program please visit or, to learn more or apply for the program, contact the program director Michael Couch at (206) 870-1392 or