Learn about Wesley’s COVID-19 vaccination rollout and watch our video to hear perspectives from residents of Wesley communities.
Nearly 100% of residents and over 70% of staff at Wesley communities have completed the two-dose regimen of the COVID vaccine. Coordinating this massive effort on Wesley campuses was no small feat as over 3,000 doses have been administered across the organization since they began in January. Campus leaders worked with Walgreens and CVS pharmacies to schedule the clinics while Wesley team members helped manage the actual events. From arranging paperwork and check-in protocols to assigning time slots and waiting areas, Wesley campuses were ready.
Wesley team members were not the only people who helped make these vaccine clinics happen. From developing scheduling worksheets, checking people in for appointments and even a few retired nurses helping in the observation areas, residents from each campus volunteered to help support the initiative. Watch the video below to hear residents tell their stories about Wesley’s vaccine clinics.
(Double click the video to enlarge)