October is National Book Month, and what better time to introduce you to one of the many remarkable residents of Wesley: Rochelle (Shelley) Linick.
A lifelong writer, Shelley recently achieved a milestone she had dreamt of for years. She published her first book, “Lies, Naps & Road Signs: Memories and Thoughts of an Octogenarian.”
Shelley’s writing journey began long before this book. She’s a seasoned writer. She’s had articles published in various magazines.
She’s been an active member of writer’s groups, honing her craft alongside fellow wordsmiths. Currently, she’s a part of two book clubs. Shelley was happy to learn that one of the book clubs in her community chose Shelley’s own book for their recent selection.
She attributes her passion for writing to her creative writing teacher from high school. He instilled in her the art of keen observation and urged her to pay attention to the world’s intricate details.
And indeed this emphasis on observation and detail shines through in Shelley’s writing. Her book reflects her knack for noticing “anything and everything” around her. Her recently published book delves into life’s ubiquitous conundrums, offering readers a unique perspective of the world around her.
When asked about her writing process, Shelley explained how she begins writing in her mind. “I hash it out in my mind for weeks, letting it bubble and simmer until I’m ready to put it on paper.”
Shelley’s love for words extends to her reading habits. She savors each word, immersing herself in the voices of characters.
“I like words so much. Some are musical, some are exciting, some sound like what they mean, and some don’t.”
One of her favorite books, “Giant” by Edna Ferber, captivates her for its exploration of cultural aspects and societal differences across various regions of the U.S.
Shelley’s reading habit is cyclical. She passionately devours books for weeks and then takes a well-deserved break to recharge. She believes that reading opens doors to alternate worlds, a way to travel without leaving one’s favorite armchair.
Her love for reading also extends to her family. She fondly recalls how she got her daughter excited about reading at a young age. It wasn’t until she introduced Nancy Drew mysteries to her daughter that she ignited her daughter’s passion for reading. Today, her daughter is an avid reader, too.
What’s next for Shelley? Her editor extended an invitation to write for her blog, particularly about her journey as a published author. This project will ask her how she defines success, to which Shelley reflects with contentment how thrilled she is to have fulfilled a dream that had lingered for many years.
Pick up a good book this month, and share in Shelley’s profound love for words and the worlds they unlock.